Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 14th

Tori Blanchette.... Paid for someone's order behind her in the Tim Horton's drive through

Thank you Tori  x

Melanie Wong... Yesterday morning while the snow melt of the day before was still frozen, I was walking my dog down our steeply sloped street, when I witnessed the lady who lives two doors down from us slip and fall. I ran back up the hill to help her up, checked for injuries, then helped her carry her groceries to her door.

Thanks so much Melanie  x

Candice Hughes....  Shovelled snow the other day for a neighbour with a back injury.

Thank you Candice

May Denham.... 

My donation to disaster on behalf off myself and my friend nora . rice pasta soups tins beans tomatoes tuna bays milk nappies bottles wet wipes baby talc & wash nappie cream ain't bac hand wash shower gels shampoo for adults I think I covers the basic essentials
Thank you May  x x
Kristi Christensen......Drove a lady who missed the bus barely to the train station to catch the bus to cross iron mills!
Thank you Kristi x x
Ria Jones.....Did some laundry and mending for a visually impaired neighbor
Thank you Ria x

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